On Sat, 19 Apr 2008 21:45:49 +0200
NotFound <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


> I faced the same problem when trying to get rid of some warnings in
> order to help cage cleaning. Adding or removing a const in the
> parameters of many functions becomes a design change, not a simple
> code cleaning. If you add a cast to remove a warning, when the called
> function get fixed a new warning appears about the now unnecessary
> cast.

In a perfect world, de-constification casts would never be necessary.
They just hide the problem, they don't solve anything.  So I try to
avoid them.

Unless I've seriously misunderstood things, "const" is a contract
saying, "I will not modify the data you give me".  The compiler takes
that and says "oh, if the data won't be modified, that means I don't
have to check it afterward, so I can merge conditionals and optimize
things a little bit more."  But when you pass that data (with or
without a cast) to something else which modifies it, you've broken the

Seems like this problem typically crops up when a function in the
middle of the call stack has a const parameter, but then tries to pass
it to another, non-const function.

So as a general rule of thumb, whenever one function calls another, the
constness of a variable should *never* decrease.  Over each function
boundary, constness should always either stay the same, or increase.

Caller   Called
normal   normal   = ok
const    const    = ok
normal   const    = ok
const    normal   = problem

The correct solution is either to make the Called function const, or to
un-const the Caller.

> The same applies to some parameters attributed as non null, and
> explicitly called with NULL argument in several locations. How can a
> cleaner figure what is the desired correction?

Yeah, that's the same kind of issue.  Well, you could force the issue:
throw an exception whenever the pointer is NULL, and then watch to see
who complains. :)

> Blindly changing atributes attributes just to pass test looks to me
> like a problem, not a solution.

I agree.  So I'm not blindly consting get_string() and hoping nothing
breaks.  Instead, I'm whining about it on RT and p2, and hoping the
designers will say something useful. :)

(Hopefully either:

* "rip it all out, no vtable methods can have const invocants, and
therefore, neither can any function that calls a vtable method."


* "vtable functions M and N have const invocants, so they aren't
allowed to call anything which could modify the invocant."

... I'd be happy either way.)


P.S. I don't actually feel very strongly about consting... I just think
broken consting is worse than no consting at all, and I don't like
papering over things that could lead to weird bugs later on.

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