On Wednesday 30 April 2008 21:58:50 Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:

> On May 1, 2008, at 0:53 , chromatic wrote:
> > correctness sense.  Sadly, both trees and dogs bark.)

> Hm, no.  One's a noun, the other's a verb.  Given the linguistic
> orientation of [Perl 6], it seems a bit strange that the syntax for both
> is the same:  while accessors and mutators are *implemented* as
> verbs, they should *look* like nouns.


        my $result = $thingie.bark;

... where $thingie may be a Dog or $thingie may be a Tree, is "bark" a noun or 
a verb?

Sure, it's a lousy example, but remember the immutable law of OO didactics: 
all examples must be terrible.

Shapes, colors, and cars,
-- c

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