John M. Dlugosz wrote:
> The synopses are contradictary over the way 'constant' works.  First it says 
> that it is a declarator like 'my'. 

That's what says:

token scope_declarator:my       { <sym> <scoped> {*} }
token scope_declarator:our      { <sym> <scoped> {*} }
token scope_declarator:state    { <sym> <scoped> {*} }
token scope_declarator:constant { <sym> <scoped> {*} }
token scope_declarator:has      { <sym> <scoped> {*} }

> Then in S12 it shows
>   my constant ...
> and
>   our constant ...
> that is, independant from the my or our declarator.  

I grep'ped tentatively for other occurrences of 'constant', and
couldn't find where that should be implemented.

> Assuming the second way is newer/better, what is the grammar for this?  Is it 
> a declarator if used on its own, or a different category?
> Oh, and should it still say that if you leave off the optional 'my' or 'our' 
> that it defaults to 'my', or should it be 'our' like everything else?
> --John

Moritz Lenz |

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