Larry Wall |Perl 6| wrote:
On Tue, May 06, 2008 at 08:20:40PM +0200, TSa wrote:

John M. Dlugosz wrote:
In C++, which must be resolved at compile time, the overloading resolution mechanism demands that =every= parameter be at least as good of a match, and one strictly better match. So the implementation never guesses if worse-left/better-right is a better fit than better-left/worse-right. However, you are assured that everything is brought to your attention at program build time, before run time, so complaining is not as serious as a run-time error where you might prefer DWIM.
Perl 6 is the same, just at runtime with actual types of actual objects.
That's it.

Indeed, Perl 6 threw out Manhattan distance a couple years ago.  Do we
have to spec everything that Perl 6 ever was but isn't now?  :)


No, just point me to what it says now. Or the scraps so I can collect them together and "say" it during my productive period.

When I mentioned this before, there was big flack over mentioning the way C++ did it. I think that must have been miscommunicated, since I wasn't even talking about summing all the arguments when he brought up "Manhattan dispatch".

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