On Mon, 2008-04-28 at 08:44 -0700, Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
> I'm not wedded to splitting them up as much as I did.  In fact, I'd be
> fine with core.in, opengl.in, and misc.in.  Better for you?

chromatic confirmed on IRC that this was his preference, saying also
that this arrangement "solves another problem we'll run into eventually
[...] Knowing which thunks we need for a core even if we disable NCI in

It's possible that a couple of the sigs in misc.in should be in core.in
or vice-versa, but I tried my best to get them straightened out using
the limited comments.  (Any remaining missorted sigs can be straightened
out in a separate RT ticket when we actually create an "NCI disabled"
build; I gather that will be some time down the line.)

After this patch is applied 53406 will have to be regenerated, but that
was planned anyway because chromatic asked for 53406 to be rewritten
using BigInt functionality.

In any case, this version of the patch should be acceptable to chromatic
and do no harm to the build; please apply.


--- MANIFEST	(revision 5076)
+++ MANIFEST	(local)
@@ -292,6 +292,10 @@
 config/auto/va_ptr/test_c.in                                []
 config/auto/warnings.pm                                     []
 config/auto/warnings/test_c.in                              []
+config/gen/call_list.pm                                     []
+config/gen/call_list/core.in                                []
+config/gen/call_list/misc.in                                []
+config/gen/call_list/opengl.in                              []
 config/gen/config_h.pm                                      []
 config/gen/config_h/config_h.in                             []
 config/gen/config_h/feature_h.in                            []
@@ -2701,7 +2705,6 @@
 src/bignum.h                                                []
 src/builtin.c                                               []
 src/byteorder.c                                             []
-src/call_list.txt                                           [devel]doc
 src/charset.c                                               []
 src/charset/ascii.c                                         []
 src/charset/ascii.h                                         []
@@ -3536,6 +3539,7 @@
 t/steps/auto_warnings-06.t                                  []
 t/steps/auto_warnings-07.t                                  []
 t/steps/auto_warnings-08.t                                  []
+t/steps/gen_call_list-01.t                                  []
 t/steps/gen_config_h-01.t                                   []
 t/steps/gen_config_pm-01.t                                  []
 t/steps/gen_core_pmcs-01.t                                  []
=== MANIFEST.generated
--- MANIFEST.generated	(revision 5076)
+++ MANIFEST.generated	(local)
@@ -285,6 +285,7 @@
 languages/squaak/squaak.pbc                       [main]
 languages/tcl/tcl.pbc                             [main]
 languages/tcl/runtime/tcllib.pbc                  [main]
+src/call_list.txt                                 [devel]doc
 src/glut_callbacks.c                              [main]
 src/jit_emit.h                                    [main]include
 src/nci.c                                         [main]
=== config/gen/call_list	(new directory)
=== config/gen/call_list/core.in
--- config/gen/call_list/core.in	(revision 5076)
+++ config/gen/call_list/core.in	(local)
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2002-2008, The Perl Foundation.
+# Any changes made here will be lost.
+# This file is generated automatically by config/gen/call_list.pm
+# using config/gen/call_list/*.in .
+# Function signature declarations for Parrot Native Call Interface.
+# The first alphanumeric is the type of the return value,
+# the other alphanumerics denote the input parameter types.
+# Types
+# INT register stuff
+# c - char
+# s - short
+# i - int
+# l - long
+# NUM register stuff
+# f - float
+# d - double
+# STR register stuff
+# S - pointer to a STRING-register
+# t - character string (0-terminated)
+# Buffers are not valid return parameters,
+# use 'p' when the native function returns a pointer value
+# b - void *
+# B - void **
+# PMC register stuff
+# P - pointer to a PMC-register
+# O - pointer to PMC-register (object)
+# p - data pointer from PMC (on store into a new UnManagedStruct PMC)
+# 2 - pointer to short
+# 3 - pointer to int
+# 4 - pointer to long
+# void stuff
+# v - void
+# special stuff
+# 0 - insert a NULL (pointer) - doesn't consume a register
+# J - Parrot_Interp param
+# @ - slurpy array
+# callback stuff
+# U - Single PMC parameter to pass into callback - user data
+# Signatures
+d    JOd      # Parrot builtins
+I    JOS
+P    JOl
+P    Jt
+S    JOS      # ParrotIO.readline
+I    JI       # Parrot_is_char_*
+v    JOSP     # String.trans
+v    JOS      # String.reverse
+P    JOS      # Added for os.stat
+I    JOI      # os.umask
+P    JOP      # atan2
+P    JOPS     # Namespace.get_global
+v    JOPSP    # Namespace.set_global
+v    JPPP     # infix MMD
+v    JPIP
+v    JPSP
+v    JPNP
+v    JPP      # inplace infix MMD
+v    JPI
+v    JPS
+v    JPN
+P    JPPP     # infix MMD new
+P    JPIP
+P    JPSP
+P    JPNP
+I    JPP      # MMD compare
+# These are needed for parrotio.pmc
+i    JP
+v    JP
+i    JPi
+i    JPii
+i    JPiii
+i    JPt
+# Needed by string.pmc
+v    JOSS
+# Needed by integer.pmc
+S    JOI
+# src/pmc/nci.pmc
+v    JOb
+# ParrotThread creation
+i    JOP@
+I    JOP@
+I    JOIP@
+# other ParrotThread
+P    JO
+v    JOP
+P    Ji
=== config/gen/call_list/misc.in
--- config/gen/call_list/misc.in	(revision 5076)
+++ config/gen/call_list/misc.in	(local)
@@ -0,0 +1,353 @@
+# mod_parrot
+i    ip
+i    JPip
+i    JpP
+i    Jpii
+i    p
+i    tp
+p    J
+p    Jp
+t    J
+t    Jpti
+t    p
+t    pt
+v    p
+v    pit
+v    ptt
+v    Jtiiipt
+v    Jiiip    # examples/japh/japh11.pasm
+v    i
+v    ii
+v    illllllll
+v    l
+v    p
+v    pbip     # for libsyck
+v    pi
+v    piiii
+v    pl
+v    pp
+# For python
+i    JPP
+# Py_func signatures
+P    JP
+P    JPP
+P    JO
+S    JO
+i    P
+# PyBuiltins
+P    JOPP
+v    JOPP
+v    JOPPP
+# Added for Tcl
+I    JOSI
+# libpast
+p    Ji
+p    Jipp
+p    Jbip
+v    Jp
+v    JS
+# crypt
+t    tt
+# Sub.__get_regs_used
+I    JOt
+# declare_lex_preg
+v    JOSI
+# Added for .NET => PIR translator dynamic PMCs.
+S    JOi
+v    JOi
+I    JO
+N    JO
+v    JON
+P    JOi
+v    JOI
+# Make lua stop panic'ing.
+P    JOI
+P    JOIS
+S    JOSP
+i          # void function returning int like fork()
+i    i3i   # POSIX's waitpid
+i    ibi   # POSIX's read
+# win32
+l     lttl
+i     pip
+i     piS
+S     i
+# --- start mysqlclient library ---
+# Created from mysql.h using the following manual method:
+# Edited copy of mysql.h using vi by doing g/, *$/j (repeat) then g/\* *$/j
+# (repeat) to get all functions on one line each.
+# Extracted list of api func names from
+# http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/c-api-functions.html and copied to a
+# temporary file to clean up (mysql_api_names.txt)
+# Stripped down to bare names and merged into one line separated by |
+# then egrep -w `cat mysql_api_names.txt` mysql.h > mysql_api.ncidef
+# then edit mysql_api.ncidef in vi: %s/^/   #  /
+# to create space for nci signatures and to use original definition as a #
+# comment.
+# This method isn't ideal, I'm just noting it here in case it helps others.
+# Ideally the process should be automated - but there be many dragons along
+# that path.
+# NCI doesn't yet handle long long values (my_ulonglong), spec'd as long for now
+#    MYSQL_FIELD and MYSQL_RES are structs
+#    typedef char **MYSQL_ROW;           /* return data as array of strings */
+#    typedef unsigned int MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET; /* offset to current field */
+#    typedef MYSQL_ROWS *MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET;   /* offset to current row */
+l    p    #! my_ulonglong mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *res)
+i    p    #  unsigned int mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *res)
+c    p    #  my_bool mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *res)
+p    pi   #  MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES *res,
+#               unsigned int fieldnr)
+p    p    #  MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res)
+p    p    #  MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_tell(MYSQL_RES *res)
+i    p    #  MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_tell(MYSQL_RES *res)
+i    p    #  unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql)
+l    p    #! my_ulonglong mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql)
+l    p    #! my_ulonglong mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql)
+i    p    #  unsigned int mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql)
+t    p    #  const char * mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql)
+t    p    #  const char * mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql)
+l    p    #  unsigned long mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql)
+t    p    #  const char * mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql)
+p    p    #  MYSQL * mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql)
+i    pttttt      #  int mysql_ssl_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *key,
+#                        const char *cert, const char *ca, const char *capath,
+#                        const char *cipher)
+c    pttt        #  my_bool mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, const char *user,
+#                        const char *passwd, const char *db)
+p    pttttiti    #  MYSQL * mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host,
+#                               const char *user, const char *passwd,
+#                               const char *db, unsigned int port,
+#                               const char *unix_socket,
+#                               unsigned int clientflag)
+v    p     #  void mysql_close(MYSQL *sock)
+i    pt    #  int mysql_select_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db)
+i    pt    #  int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q)
+i    ptl   #  int mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q,
+#                                  unsigned long length)
+i    p     #  int mysql_shutdown(MYSQL *mysql)
+i    p     #  int mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql)
+i    pi    #  int mysql_refresh(MYSQL *mysql, unsigned int refresh_options)
+i    pl    #  int mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql,unsigned long pid)
+i    p     #  int mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql)
+t    p     #  const char * mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql)
+t    p     #  const char * mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql)
+t    p     #  const char * mysql_get_client_info(void)
+l          #  unsigned long mysql_get_client_version(void)
+t    p     #  const char * mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql)
+t    p     #  unsigned int mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql)
+p    pt    #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild)
+p    pt    #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild)
+p    ptt   #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table,
+#                                           const char *wild)
+p    p     #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_processes(MYSQL *mysql)
+p    p     #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql)
+p    p     #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql)
+i    pit   #  int mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option,
+#                               const char *arg)
+v    p     #  void mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result)
+v    pl    #  void mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, my_ulonglong offset)
+p    pp    #  MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result,
+#                                             MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset)
+i    pi    #  MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result,
+#                                                 MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET offset)
+p    p     #  MYSQL_ROW mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result)
+l    p     #  unsigned long * mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result)
+p    p     #  MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result)
+l    ttl   #  unsigned long mysql_escape_string(char *to,const char *from, unsigned long from_length)
+l    pttl  #  unsigned long mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, char *to,const char *from, unsigned long length)
+v    t     #  void mysql_debug(const char *debug)
+# --- end mysqlclient library ---
+# Used by library/pcre.pir
+p    tiB3P
+p    tip3P
+i    pPtiiipi
+i    tpiibi
+# Oddball ones for postgres
+p    ptippppi    PQexecParams
+p    pi33ipi     PQfn
+p    pttip       PQprepage
+p    ptipppi     PQexecPrepared
+p    ppP         PQsetNoticeReceiver
+# Used by SDL
+p    iiil
+i    ppl
+v    pip
+p    pti
+i    ppp
+# Used by SDL::Font
+p    ti
+p    ptp
+i    pt33
+# t/pmc/nci.t
+c    p
+c    pi
+d    d
+f    ff
+f    is
+i    b
+i    d
+i    i
+i    ii
+i    ii4
+i    ii4i
+i    iiii
+i    iiilsp
+i    iil
+i    iili
+i    iip
+i    iit
+i    iiti
+i    ilsp
+i    iti
+i    l
+i    li
+i    lp
+i    lsp
+i    p
+i    p33
+i    p333
+i    p333333
+i    p4
+i    p42p
+i    p4i
+i    pb
+i    pi
+i    pii
+i    pii4
+i    pii4i
+i    piii
+i    piiiiii
+i    piiilsp
+i    piil
+i    piili
+i    piit
+i    piiti
+i    pilsp
+i    pit
+i    pl
+i    pli
+i    pll
+i    pllllllll
+i    plp
+i    plsp
+i    pp
+i    ppi
+i    ppiiiiiiii
+i    pppp
+i    psp
+i    pt
+i    pti
+i    pitl
+i    s
+i    s22
+i    s222
+i    sp
+i    sss
+i    ssss
+i    t
+i    ti
+i    4
+i    4i
+i    42p
+l    ii
+l    l4
+l    p
+l    pi
+l    pii
+l    p33l
+l    33l
+p    B
+p    b
+p    Jt
+p    i
+p    ii
+p    iiii
+p    iiiiii
+p    iiiiiiii
+p    p
+p    pt
+p    pi
+p    pii
+p    piiii
+p    t
+p    tpp
+p    ttttttt
+t    i
+t    ii
+t    p
+t    pi
+t    pii
+t    pt
+t    t
+t    tl4
+t    t4
+i    sc
+s    sc
+c    sc
+i    iii
+i    i3
+t    b
+t    B
+v    P
+v    pP
+p    ip
+i    33
+v    pii
+v    JO
+i    JO
+i    JOi
+i    JOt
+i    Jt
+i    Ji
=== config/gen/call_list/opengl.in
--- config/gen/call_list/opengl.in	(revision 5076)
+++ config/gen/call_list/opengl.in	(local)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Used by OpenGL (including GLU and GLUT)
+v    3p
+v    PP
+v    PPi
+v    PPii
+v    fff
+v    ffff
=== config/gen/call_list.pm
--- config/gen/call_list.pm	(revision 5076)
+++ config/gen/call_list.pm	(local)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2008, The Perl Foundation.
+# $Id: $
+=head1 NAME
+config/gen/call_list.pm - Concatenate call_list.txt (NCI signatures) fragments
+Some portions of F<src/call_list.txt> (the NCI signature list) are generated,
+and others should only appear when certain features/libraries are enabled by
+Configure in previous steps.  This step simply combines all fragments that
+appear in F<config/gen/call_list/> into the single C<src/call_list.txt> used
+by the main build.
+If a config step wishes to make its fragment optional, that step should only
+generate or copy its fragment to F<config/gen/call_list/> when the library is
+package gen::call_list;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use base qw(Parrot::Configure::Step);
+use Parrot::Configure::Utils '_slurp';
+sub _init {
+    my $self = shift;
+    return {
+        description  => q{Generating NCI signature list},
+        result       => q{},
+    }
+sub runstep {
+    my ( $self, $conf ) = @_;
+    my $combined_file  = 'src/call_list.txt';
+    my @fragment_files = sort glob 'config/gen/call_list/*.in';
+    open my $combined, '>', $combined_file
+        or die "Could not open '$combined_file' for write: $!";
+    foreach my $fragment_file (@fragment_files) {
+        my $fragment =  _slurp($fragment_file);
+           $fragment =~ s/^\s*\n//;
+           $fragment =~ s/\s*$/\n\n/;
+        print $combined $fragment;
+    }
+    $conf->append_configure_log($combined_file);
+    return 1;
=== lib/Parrot/Configure/Step/List.pm
--- lib/Parrot/Configure/Step/List.pm	(revision 5076)
+++ lib/Parrot/Configure/Step/List.pm	(local)
@@ -72,6 +72,7 @@
+    gen::call_list
=== src/call_list.txt
--- src/call_list.txt	(revision 5076)
+++ src/call_list.txt	(local)
@@ -1,469 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2002-2008, The Perl Foundation.
-# $Id$
-# Function signature declarations for Parrot Native Call Interface.
-# The first alphanumeric is the type of the return value,
-# the other alphanumerics denote the input parameter types.
-# Types
-# INT register stuff
-# c - char
-# s - short
-# i - int
-# l - long
-# NUM register stuff
-# f - float
-# d - double
-# STR register stuff
-# S - pointer to a STRING-register
-# t - character string (0-terminated)
-# Buffers are not valid return parameters,
-# use 'p' when the native function returns a pointer value
-# b - void *
-# B - void **
-# PMC register stuff
-# P - pointer to a PMC-register
-# O - pointer to PMC-register (object)
-# p - data pointer from PMC (on store into a new UnManagedStruct PMC)
-# 2 - pointer to short
-# 3 - pointer to int
-# 4 - pointer to long
-# void stuff
-# v - void
-# special stuff
-# 0 - insert a NULL (pointer) - doesn't consume a register
-# J - Parrot_Interp param
-# @ - slurpy array
-# Callback Things
-# U - Single PMC parameter to pass into callback - user data
-c             # t/pmc/nci.t
-c    p
-c    pi
-d             # t/pmc/nci.t
-d    d
-d    JOd      # Parrot builtins
-I    JOS
-S    JOS      # ParrotIO.readline
-I    JI       # Parrot_is_char_*
-v    JOSP     # String.trans
-v    JOS      # String.reverse
-P    JOS      # Added for os.stat
-I    JOI      # os.umask
-P    JOPS     # Namespace.get_global
-v    JOPSP    # Namespace.set_global
-v    JPPP     # infix MMD
-v    JPIP
-v    JPSP
-v    JPNP
-v    JPP      # inplace infix MMD
-v    JPI
-v    JPS
-v    JPN
-P    JPPP     # infix MMD new
-P    JPIP
-P    JPSP
-P    JPNP
-I    JPP      # MMD compare
-f             # t/pmc/nci.t
-f    ff       # t/pmc/nci.t
-f    is
-i    b        # t/pmc/nci.t
-i    d
-i    i
-i    ii
-i    ii4
-i    ii4i
-i    iiii
-i    iiilsp
-i    iil
-i    iili
-i    iip
-i    iit
-i    iiti
-i    ilsp
-i    iti
-i    l
-i    li
-i    lp
-i    lsp
-i    p
-i    p33
-i    p333
-i    p333333
-i    p4
-i    p42p
-i    p4i
-i    pb
-i    pi
-i    pii
-i    pii4
-i    pii4i
-i    piii
-i    piiiiii
-i    piiilsp
-i    piil
-i    piili
-i    piit
-i    piiti
-i    pilsp
-i    pit
-i    pl
-i    pli
-i    pll
-i    pllllllll
-i    plp
-i    plsp
-i    pp
-i    ppi
-i    ppiiiiiiii
-i    pppp
-i    psp
-i    pt
-i    pti
-i    pitl
-i    s
-i    s22
-i    s222
-i    sp
-i    sss
-i    ssss
-i    t
-i    ti
-i    4
-i    4i
-i    42p
-l             # t/pmc/nci.t
-l    ii
-l    l4
-l    p
-l    pi
-l    pii
-l    p33l
-l    33l
-P    JOP      # atan2
-P    Ji       # Needed for parrot threads
-P    JOl      # Parrot builtins
-P    Jt
-p    B
-p    b
-p    Jt
-p    i
-p    ii
-p    iiii
-p    iiiiii
-p    iiiiiiii
-p    p
-p    pt
-p    pi
-p    pii
-p    piiii
-p    t
-p    tpp
-p    ttttttt
-s             # t/pmc/nci.t
-t             # t/pmc/nci.t
-t    i
-t    ii
-t    p
-t    pi
-t    pii
-t    pt
-t    t
-t    tl4
-t    t4
-v    Jiiip    # examples/japh/japh11.pasm
-v    JOP      # Needed for parrot threads
-v    i
-v    ii
-v    illllllll
-v    l
-v    p
-v    pbip     # for libsyck
-v    pi
-v    piiii
-v    pl
-v    pp
-# These are needed for parrotio.pmc
-i    JP
-v    JP
-i    JPi
-i    JPii
-i    JPiii
-i    JPt
-# Needed by string.pmc
-v    JOSS
-# Py_func signatures
-P    JP
-P    JPP
-P    JO
-S    JO
-i       P
-# Needed by integer.pmc
-S    JOI
-# Used by t/pmc/nci.t
-i    sc
-s    sc
-c    sc
-i    iii
-i    i3
-t    b
-t    B
-v    P
-v    pP
-p    ip
-i    33
-v    pii
-v    JO
-i    JO
-i    JOi
-i    JOt
-i    Jt
-i    Ji
-# Oddball ones for postgres
-p    ptippppi    PQexecParams
-p    pi33ipi     PQfn
-p    pttip       PQprepage
-p    ptipppi     PQexecPrepared
-p    ppP         PQsetNoticeReceiver
-# Used by library/pcre.pir
-p    tiB3P
-p    tip3P
-i    pPtiiipi
-i    tpiibi
-# Used by SDL
-p    iiil
-i    ppl
-v    pip
-p    pti
-i    ppp
-# Used by SDL::Font
-p    ti
-p    ptp
-i    pt33
-# Used by OpenGL (including GLU and GLUT)
-v    3p
-v    PP
-v    PPi
-v    PPii
-v    fff
-v    ffff
-# For python
-i    JPP
-#required for mod_parrot
-i    ip
-i    JPip
-i    JpP
-i    Jpii
-i    p
-i    tp
-p    J
-p    Jp
-t    J
-t    Jpti
-t    p
-t    pt
-v    p
-v    pit
-v    ptt
-v    Jtiiipt
-# PyBuiltins
-P    JOPP
-v    JOPP
-v    JOPPP
-# Added for Tcl
-I    JOSI
-# libpast
-p    Ji
-p    Jipp
-p    Jbip
-v    Jp
-v    JS
-# crypt
-t    tt
-# Sub.__get_regs_used
-I    JOt
-# declare_lex_preg
-v    JOSI
-# Added for .NET => PIR translator dynamic PMCs.
-S    JOi
-v    JOi
-I    JO
-N    JO
-v    JON
-P    JOi
-v    JOI
-# Make lua stop panic'ing.
-P    JOI
-P    JOIS
-S    JOSP
-# ParrotThread creation
-i    JOP@
-I    JOP@
-I    JOIP@
-# other ParrotThread
-P    JO
-# src/pmc/nci.pmc
-v    JOb
-# --- start mysqlclient library ---
-# Created from mysql.h using the following manual method:
-# Edited copy of mysql.h using vi by doing g/, *$/j (repeat) then g/\* *$/j
-# (repeat) to get all functions on one line each.
-# Extracted list of api func names from
-# http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/c-api-functions.html and copied to a
-# temporary file to clean up (mysql_api_names.txt)
-# Stripped down to bare names and merged into one line separated by |
-# then egrep -w `cat mysql_api_names.txt` mysql.h > mysql_api.ncidef
-# then edit mysql_api.ncidef in vi: %s/^/   #  /
-# to create space for nci signatures and to use original definition as a #
-# comment.
-# This method isn't ideal, I'm just noting it here in case it helps others.
-# Ideally the process should be automated - but there be many dragons along
-# that path.
-# NCI doesn't yet handle long long values (my_ulonglong), spec'd as long for now
-#    MYSQL_FIELD and MYSQL_RES are structs
-#    typedef char **MYSQL_ROW;           /* return data as array of strings */
-#    typedef unsigned int MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET; /* offset to current field */
-#    typedef MYSQL_ROWS *MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET;   /* offset to current row */
-l    p    #! my_ulonglong mysql_num_rows(MYSQL_RES *res)
-i    p    #  unsigned int mysql_num_fields(MYSQL_RES *res)
-c    p    #  my_bool mysql_eof(MYSQL_RES *res)
-p    pi   #  MYSQL_FIELD *mysql_fetch_field_direct(MYSQL_RES *res,
-#               unsigned int fieldnr)
-p    p    #  MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_fields(MYSQL_RES *res)
-p    p    #  MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_tell(MYSQL_RES *res)
-i    p    #  MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_tell(MYSQL_RES *res)
-i    p    #  unsigned int mysql_field_count(MYSQL *mysql)
-l    p    #! my_ulonglong mysql_affected_rows(MYSQL *mysql)
-l    p    #! my_ulonglong mysql_insert_id(MYSQL *mysql)
-i    p    #  unsigned int mysql_errno(MYSQL *mysql)
-t    p    #  const char * mysql_error(MYSQL *mysql)
-t    p    #  const char * mysql_info(MYSQL *mysql)
-l    p    #  unsigned long mysql_thread_id(MYSQL *mysql)
-t    p    #  const char * mysql_character_set_name(MYSQL *mysql)
-p    p    #  MYSQL * mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql)
-i    pttttt      #  int mysql_ssl_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *key,
-#                        const char *cert, const char *ca, const char *capath,
-#                        const char *cipher)
-c    pttt        #  my_bool mysql_change_user(MYSQL *mysql, const char *user,
-#                        const char *passwd, const char *db)
-p    pttttiti    #  MYSQL * mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host,
-#                               const char *user, const char *passwd,
-#                               const char *db, unsigned int port,
-#                               const char *unix_socket,
-#                               unsigned int clientflag)
-v    p     #  void mysql_close(MYSQL *sock)
-i    pt    #  int mysql_select_db(MYSQL *mysql, const char *db)
-i    pt    #  int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q)
-i    ptl   #  int mysql_real_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *q,
-#                                  unsigned long length)
-i    p     #  int mysql_shutdown(MYSQL *mysql)
-i    p     #  int mysql_dump_debug_info(MYSQL *mysql)
-i    pi    #  int mysql_refresh(MYSQL *mysql, unsigned int refresh_options)
-i    pl    #  int mysql_kill(MYSQL *mysql,unsigned long pid)
-i    p     #  int mysql_ping(MYSQL *mysql)
-t    p     #  const char * mysql_stat(MYSQL *mysql)
-t    p     #  const char * mysql_get_server_info(MYSQL *mysql)
-t    p     #  const char * mysql_get_client_info(void)
-l          #  unsigned long mysql_get_client_version(void)
-t    p     #  const char * mysql_get_host_info(MYSQL *mysql)
-t    p     #  unsigned int mysql_get_proto_info(MYSQL *mysql)
-p    pt    #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_dbs(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild)
-p    pt    #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_tables(MYSQL *mysql,const char *wild)
-p    ptt   #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_fields(MYSQL *mysql, const char *table,
-#                                           const char *wild)
-p    p     #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_list_processes(MYSQL *mysql)
-p    p     #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_store_result(MYSQL *mysql)
-p    p     #  MYSQL_RES * mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql)
-i    pit   #  int mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql,enum mysql_option option,
-#                               const char *arg)
-v    p     #  void mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result)
-v    pl    #  void mysql_data_seek(MYSQL_RES *result, my_ulonglong offset)
-p    pp    #  MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET mysql_row_seek(MYSQL_RES *result,
-#                                             MYSQL_ROW_OFFSET offset)
-i    pi    #  MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET mysql_field_seek(MYSQL_RES *result,
-#                                                 MYSQL_FIELD_OFFSET offset)
-p    p     #  MYSQL_ROW mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result)
-l    p     #  unsigned long * mysql_fetch_lengths(MYSQL_RES *result)
-p    p     #  MYSQL_FIELD * mysql_fetch_field(MYSQL_RES *result)
-l    ttl   #  unsigned long mysql_escape_string(char *to,const char *from, unsigned long from_length)
-l    pttl  #  unsigned long mysql_real_escape_string(MYSQL *mysql, char *to,const char *from, unsigned long length)
-v    t     #  void mysql_debug(const char *debug)
-# --- end mysqlclient library ---
-i          # void function returning int like fork()
-i    i3i   # POSIX's waitpid
-i    ibi   # POSIX's read
-# win32
-l     lttl
-i     pip
-i     piS
-S     i

Property changes on: src/call_list.txt
Name: Copyright
 -Copyright (C) 2001-2006, The Perl Foundation.
Name: cvs2svn:cvs-rev
Name: svn:eol-style
Name: svn:keyword
 Name: svn:keywords
 -Author Date Id Revision
Name: svn:mime-type

=== t/steps/gen_call_list-01.t
--- t/steps/gen_call_list-01.t	(revision 5076)
+++ t/steps/gen_call_list-01.t	(local)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#! perl
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2008, The Perl Foundation.
+# $Id: $
+# gen_call_list-01.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Test::More tests =>  2;
+use Carp;
+use lib qw( lib );
+=for hints_for_testing This is just a stub so that Configure.pl will run.
+pass("Completed all tests in $0");
+################### DOCUMENTATION ###################
+=head1 NAME
+  gen_call_list-01.t - test config::gen::call_list
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    % prove t/steps/gen_call_list-01.t
+The files in this directory test functionality used by F<Configure.pl>.
+The tests in this file test subroutines exported by config::gen::call_list.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Geoffrey Broadwell; modified from a similar file by James E Keenan
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+config::gen::call_list, F<Configure.pl>.
+# Local Variables:
+#   mode: cperl
+#   cperl-indent-level: 4
+#   fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

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