On Monday 12 May 2008 09:23:18 NotFound wrote:

> The problem is that the opcode checks for nullness before calling
> string_bool:
> op if (invar STR, labelconst INT) {
>     if ($1 && string_bool(interp, $1))
>         goto OFFSET($2);
> }
> And the jitted code apparently calls string_bool unconditionally.
> The easier solution is to redefine string_bool to allow a NULL
> argument and return false in that case. Many places in the code does
> that check before the call, so this change will simplify it.
> I expect to hear some comments before preparing a patch, given that
> this will change the signature of a widely used function.

I fixed a few similar problems with the optimized build.  Is r27069 any 
guidance?  r23771 looks like it might affect this function as well.

-- c

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