On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 02:54 -0700, Stephane Payrard via RT wrote:
> On Wed Jun 04 21:40:56 2008, japhb wrote:
> > cognominal apparently has an absolutely insane collection of GL headers
> > on his system.  I've made a number of portability fixes in response;
> > hopefully the attached patch should fix his OpenGL issues.
> What are you doing? I hope you just select the most appropriate GL library. 

As I mentioned in IRC: I need to make sure my code works with every GL
lib/header we can find, because your troubles are just a proxy for the
silent majority that don't file bug reports (they just get discouraged

> Anyway the fix is not yet perfect. The Configure.PL still dies :
> Use of uninitialized value in hash element at config/gen/opengl.pm line 490.
> step gen::opengl died during execution: 'GLEW_FUN_EXPORT' is defined as 
> 'GLEWAPI', but no 
> 'GLEWAPI' has been defined at config/gen/opengl.pm line 494.
>  at Configure.pl line 66

Hmmm, it looks like I got so caught up in fixing all the other weirdness
in your headers, I neglected to notice that we seem to have missed the
GLEW header that was causing your initial problem.  The good thing is
that you would have hit all the other errors I fixed once this one went
away, so it's not lost effort.  ;-)

I think I need the contents of:


Believe it or not, none of those were in the tarball you sent!

/me boggles


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