On Thu, 2008-06-05 at 17:36 -0700, Ivan B. Serezhkin via RT wrote:
> Hello.

Hi there!

> FreeBSD users are humans too, with two arms and two legs =)

Of course!  I just haven't been able to find a Parrot/FreeBSD/OpenGL
person previously.  Standard request:  please send me a tarball of all
of your OpenGL/GLU/GLUT/etc. headers, so I can test them and incorporate

> This is the fix for the configure to configure OpenGL under FreeBSD 
> correctly.

Comments below.

> Another workarround in FreeBSD ports commited to repository.

What SVN revision were those changes made in, so I can review?

> +    HGLRC                  => 'void*',
> +    HDC                            => 'void*',
> +
> +    COLORREF               => 'void',
> +    LPGLYPHMETRICSFLOAT            => 'void*',

This is a subset of the ones that appear in my most recent patch to
#55228.  Can you try that patch, and see if it includes everything you

> +    PROC                   => 'void*', # But this is function pointer
> - what to do ?

I'm ignoring all of the functions that return PROCs (this list was also
updated by my #55228 patch), so this line isn't needed.

> +    # windows functions
> +    'SwapBuffers',
> +    'ChoosePixelFormat',
> +    'DescribePixelFormat',
> +    'GetPixelFormat',
> +    'SetPixelFormat',

I'm surprised you're seeing these at all, since you're on FreeBSD.
Another reason I'd like to see your header collection.  :-)

>      my @header_globs = (
>          # Default location for most UNIX-like platforms
>          '/usr/include/GL/*.h',
> -
> +        '/usr/local/include/GL/*.h',

That's certainly reasonable; I'll include that in my patches.

>              # We only care about regular function prototypes
> -            next unless /API/ or /\bextern\b/ or /\bmui[A-Z]/;
> +            next unless /API\s/ or /\bextern\b/ or /\bmui[A-Z]/;

What problem is this change trying to fix?

Thank you for your help!


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