Ovid wrote:
> I'm trying to figure out the best way of knowing which features are
> implemented.  Looking through the tests in languages/perl6/t/ is a bit
> disappointing as some things I know have been implemented aren't there
> (e.g., types on sub signatures).  Should I be looking elsewhere?

In the pugs repo in t/ there are somtimes tests that haven't been yet
reviewed and moved to t/spec/, from which rakudo pulls most of its tests.

> That works just fine, so I know we have types on signatures.  But now
> this fails:
>   # remove the 'Int' and this works
>   sub fact (Int $n) {
>     if 0 == $n {
>       return 1;
>     }
>     else {
>       return $n * fact($n - 1);
>     }
>   }
>   say fact(5);
> The failure is at runtime, not compile time (full output below), but
> I'm not sure how to proceed since I don't know if this is supposed to
> work yet.

I think it should work. If you want to help, file a bug report
([EMAIL PROTECTED]). They are welcome for both bugs and TODO features.

> Do I consult tests? Follow the Rakudo blog?  Religiously
> read this list? 

All of them if you feel like, or just ask on #parrot or #perl6.

If there's no test yet, feel free to add one - types in signatures seem
to be under-tested indeed.

Which reminds me of, we should have a "guide to add tests" in the pugs
repo with all informations in one place, and have the linked to from the
rakudo README.


Moritz Lenz
http://moritz.faui2k3.org/ |  http://perl-6.de/

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