On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 03:43:34PM -0700, Mehmet Yavuz Selim Soyturk via RT 
> There is another problem with :outer. It does not let you create inner
> functions dynamically. For example, I couldn't use it to compile next
> ECMAScript code:
>     function outer() {
>         var i = 0;
>         return eval("function() { return i++; }");
>     }
> Is it not possible to have an opcode that allows this? Something like:
>     set_outer inner_func, outer_func

We already have a C<set_outer> opcode -- jonathan++ implemented it
last Fall.  I don't know how well it's been tested (I haven't been
able to test it well because of the other issues with lexicals), 
but I'm pretty sure it will do what we need.


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