On Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 02:27:04PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> : =item rand
> :
> :  our Num method rand ( Num $x: )
> :  our Num term:<rand>
> :
> : Pseudo random number in range C<< 0 ..^ $x >>.  That is, C<0> is
> : theoretically possible, while C<$x> is not.  The C<rand> function
> : is 0-ary and always produces a number from C<0..^1>.
> Hmm, I'd've thought that meant that 'rand' takes no params and returns
> 0..^1 but rand( Num $x: ) returns 0 .. ^$x  but

The first rand is a method on the Num type.  Since it's not specified
as "is export", it remains strictly a method and doesn't supply a 
multisub form.

> :  In any case, for picking a random integer you probably want to use
> something like
> : C<(1..6).pick> instead.
> There's some missing methods s not yet, I guess:
> ./perl6 -e 'say (1 .. 6).pick'
> Method 'pick' not found for invocant of class 'Range'

Correct, we haven't implemented .pick on Range objects yet.  I'm not
sure if we should have a separate .pick method for Range, or if List
actually needs to be a role, or if there's some other role common to
List and Range that should be providing .pick and other similar

> No 'pick'  for Junction or any yet
>  ./perl6 -e 'my $i = one(1 .. 6).any + 0; say $i'
> Method 'any' not found for invocant of class 'Junction'
> I tried a number whacks using prefix:
> ./perl6 -e 'my $i = any(1 .. 6) ; say $i'
> ./perl6 -e 'my $i = any(1 .. 6) + 0; say $i'
> ./perl6 -e 'my @arr = (1 .. 6); my $i = any(1..6); say @arr[$i]'
> but no get_string or get_integer for Junction makes them a little hard to
> use. Not complaining, just a note.

get_string and get_integer on junction should autothread to their
underlying components.  We may have junction autothreading
disabled at the moment in Rakudo.

In particular, C< say any(1..6) >  should result in six invocations of
C<say>, one for each element in the Junction, each of those would then
invoke get_string on the elements.


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