Mark J. Reed wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 10:23 AM, Moritz Lenz
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Thanks for the effort, but it also raises new questions. For example:
>>> Int is Num
>> Rakudo doesn't do it that way, because the 'A is B' relation in OO means
>> "Every instance of A is also an Instance of B", which certainly isn't
>> the case with Ints. Int is more like a subset of Num.
> Huh?   If Int is a subset of Num, then every instance of Int *is* also
> an instance of Num.  That's what subset means...

Uhm, yes. I was confused, sorry.

> Maybe you mean they are disjoint types in the type system, but the set
> of numerical values of all possible Ints is a subset of the set of
> numerical values of all possible Nums?  But then how is type
> compatibility obtained?
>> Which made me think, shouldn't Num be a role? and then 3.14 would be a
>> Rat or a Float or whatever, 42 would be an Int, and
>>  Int does Num
>>  Rat does Num
> But Int should do Rat, too...
>> That way a compiler that only implements classes and roles (and no
>> subset types) can get the hierarchy of numeric types right.
> ...assuming it's a hierarchy in the first place.

What's the alternative?
I don't think it's a good idea to special-case numeric types, and I
don't think it's a good idea to define multis for each numeric type either.

I assume that 'Num' is meant to be a non-complex.
Then it seems to make sense to assume:
Int is Rat
Rat is Num
Num is Complex
or am I off again?

Anyway, for our work in the test suite it would be nice to have it
specced somewhere. Or should I rely on Ryan's docs/p6types? If so, it
would be nice to convert it to format that can smartlinked to.


Moritz Lenz |

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