On Thu, Jun 26, 2008 at 2:50 PM, James Keenan via RT
> On #parrot I had some discussion about tools/build/pmc2c.pl with bacek
> and DietCoke.  I pasted some output from dprofpp:
>   http://nopaste.snit.ch/13401
>   http://nopaste.snit.ch/13402
> On the basis of these pastes, I was advised to consider using Memoize.pm
> to memoize the most frequently called functions in the modules
> underlying pmc2c.pl.
> However, my preliminary investigation suggests that Memoize is not a
> good bet here.  As I understand Memoize, it is useful in circumstances
> where you have to have to call a function repeatedly and where there's a
> high probability that you will call it with the same arguments more than
> once.  Memoize caches the return value associated with a particular set
> of arguments.  But Memoize will only be worth the effort if the time you
> save by doing cache lookups rather than function calls is greater than
> the time needed to load Memoize.pm and memoize the function in the first
> place.
> But the functions in the modules underlying pmc2c.pl are not this sort
> of functions.  They tend to be OO methods that change the internal state
> of the object.  They tend not to have meaningful return values (i.e.,
> return values other than truth, falseness, undef, etc.)

In that case, Memoize will not help, you're absolutely right. (Might
be worth seeing if the code is amenable to a refactor that -would- be
amenable to this, but that's probably more work.)

> So my hunch is that Memoize is not likely to be useful here -- but I
> would welcome any cases to the contrary that anyone might cite.
> Thank you very much.
> kid51

Will "Coke" Coleda

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