From: "Patrick R. Michaud" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 10:06:33 -0500

   On Sat, Jul 12, 2008 at 12:30:02AM -0400, Bob Rogers wrote:

   > (And I still don't understand the *point* of cloning a closure.)

   . . .

   Longer answer:  Assume under my proposal that we don't have (or need)
   a newclosure opcode.

Aha!  You also want to get rid of newclosure!  I find it hard to
conceive of life without newclosure . . . but now that I think I
understand you, I agree that it's possible.

   . . .

   Hope this helps.

It does indeed; understanding that you want to separate newclosure into
independent "capture" and "clone" operations makes the need for cloning
perfectly clear.

   In all this, I must apologize for being so canalized by my Lisp
upbringing.  It has apparently affected my ability to grasp the
sometimes-very-different ways that the Parrot world does things.  In
this case, I was also trying too hard to understand the individual
components without seeing the whole picture.

   As I mentioned in my reply to chromatic a few minutes ago, I have a
   *lot* more to add about this, but it will take me a few hours to
   write it all up clearly.  Stay tuned.


I will wait for that, then.

                                        -- Bob

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