On Mon Feb 13 13:05:01 2006, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> all PMCs (src/pmc/*.pmc) should be tested. the basic types, as defined
> in PDD17 (docs/pdds/clip/pdd17_basic_types.pod) should be given higher
> priority, so tests should be developed first to cover these.
> not surprisingly, basic types have a number of tests already, but
> there are holes in test coverage that should be plugged. after basic
> types are well-tested, remaining PMC types distributed in the parrot
> core should be targeted.
> this is a job that requires the ability to read c source, and read and
> write pir and/or pasm test code. however, deep knowledge of these
> languages is not required.
> takers most welcome.
> ~jerry

Adding more native PMC tests is a good idea, but this ticket isn't
closeable as described.  There should be a concrete criteria (or at
least a reasonably simple subjective one) for determining when a PMC is
sufficiently well-tested.  Something based on code coverage (via make
cover) would be a good start.

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