On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 6:25 PM, via RT Andrew Whitworth
> # New Ticket Created by  Andrew Whitworth
> # Please include the string:  [perl #56968]
> # in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue.
> # <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=56968 >
> I found this today while looking for error-reporting functions. The
> function src/warnings.c:Parrot_warn_s is almost completely unused
> except in 1 test in t/src/warnings.t. The attached patch removes this
> function and the associated test because it's dead code with no
> apparent purpose.
> On a side note, if people don't want to delete this function for
> whatever reason, the function prototype should be changed from
> NULLOK_INTERP to PARROT_INTERP, since the first line of the function
> tests for the existance of interp and returns an error if it's null.
> Better to find a null interp error at compile time then at runtime.
> --Andrew Whitworth

(Removing dead code)++

Will "Coke" Coleda

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