I noticed a couple commits overnight for Lua to support OpenGL.  I'm a
bit confused by them, since they don't seem to actually *do* anything,
just lots of (hopefully automatically generated!) scaffolding.

fperrad: How do these bindings actually work?


We're getting to the stage that HLLs are starting to want common library
access.  Some of these already exist as more or less decent PIR bindings
in /runtime/parrot/library/ ; others are either very incomplete or
non-existant.  Still, the time has come to be working on making it
easier for HLL authors to get a fully colloquial binding using the
common libraries, rather than having to roll their own from scratch.

pmichaud, jonathan, and I discussed a basic design a few weeks ago in
#parrot for PCT languages to use cross-language modules; the basic
protocol we sketched out should be workable for non-PCT languages as
well.  That protocol needs to be fleshed out and implemented.

Also, I would love to know what I can do for the OpenGL binding to make
it more amenable to use by the HLLs.  I notice that the Lua bindings
want to unflatten the namespace ('gl.Foo' rather than 'glFoo').  What
other changes do various HLLs typically make to C library bindings?


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