I don't know if this will help shed any light, but it seems related to the number of data types tested in pmc_5.pasm. I find that if I remove one or more data type tests from this file (say, the section that does TQueue or Eval) and run the pasm directly with parrot, parrot will exit with a status code of 0. When I restore all the code, it exits with nonzero status. It doesn't seem to matter which data type's test I remove.

I am also not sure what these lines are for:
  new P10, 'Hash'
   new P11, 'Hash'

In t/pmc.t they are
pasm_output_like( <<"CODE", <<OUTPUT, "PMC type check" );
   new P10, 'Hash'
   new P11, 'Hash'

These registers are set at the beginning of pmc_5 but nothing more is done with them within the scope of that test that I can see. Removing those lines from the test will also cause it to return with a 0 status code. No idea why, though.


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