In the course of working on tests for this and other configuration step
classes in the 'parallel' branch in SVN, I had occasion to note that
this is the only one of 60+ config steps which displays certain verbose
output only when '--verbose=2' is called on the command line:

53-    print " ($generated) " if $verbose;
54:    print("\n") if defined $verbose && $verbose == 2;
108-            local $/ = undef;
109:            print("\t$header_file\n") if defined $verbose &&
$verbose == 2;
110-            open my $IN_H, "<", "$header_file"
140-            local $/ = undef;
141:            print("\t$_\n") if defined $verbose && $verbose == 2;
142-            open my $IN_H, "<", "$_" or die "Can't open $_: $!";
233-            local $/ = undef;
234:            print("\t$impl_file\n") if defined $verbose && $verbose
== 2;
235-            open my $IN_C, "<", "$impl_file" or die "Can't open
$impl_file: $!";
258-            local $/ = undef;
259:            print("\t$_\n") if defined $verbose && $verbose == 2;
260-            open my $IN_C, "<", "$_" or die "Can't open $_: $!";

'$verbose == 2' is a setting otherwise found only in in
lib/Parrot/ and lib/Parrot/Configure/

$ fns lib | xargs grep -n 'verbose.*==.*2'
lib/Parrot/Configure/    my $verbose = defined
$self->get('verbose') && $self->get('verbose') == 2;
lib/Parrot/Configure/    my $verbose = defined
$self->get('verbose') && $self->get('verbose') == 2;
lib/Parrot/Configure/    my $verbose = defined
$self->get('verbose') && $self->get('verbose') == 2;
lib/Parrot/Configure/    my $verbose = defined
$self->get('verbose') && $self->get('verbose') == 2;
lib/Parrot/Configure/    my $verbose = defined
$self->get('verbose') && $self->get('verbose') == 2;
lib/Parrot/Configure/    my $verbose = defined
$self->get('verbose') && $self->get('verbose') == 2;
lib/Parrot/        print "\n" if $args->{verbose} &&
$args->{verbose} == 2;
lib/Parrot/    if ( $argsref->{args}->{verbose} &&
$argsref->{args}->{verbose} == 2 ) {

I can't see any reason why config/gen/ should behave any
differently from the other config step classes with respect to verbose
output, so I propose to change 'if defined $verbose && $verbose == 2' to
'if $verbose' in the five locations cited above.  If no one objects,
I'll include this in the refactoring/testing I'm doing in the 'parallel'
branch (see RT 56716).

Thank you very much.

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