# from Moritz Lenz
# on Monday 28 July 2008 09:52:

>> That's not -just- with the patch, though, is it? I presume you've
>> set TEST_JOBS to be something other than '1' ...
>I've set it to 2, and obeserve the errors below. With serial testing I
>get a PASS (r29828).

Yes.  TEST_JOBS=1 doesn't change anything.

It looks like most of the tests in t/steps might potentially conflict.

To smoke out the resource conflicts in the test suite, one would have to 
run $n jobs -- but that will forkbomb your system.  Another check is to 
run each against each other with `prove -j 2 $test_n $test_i`

Tests need to be written defensively for arbitrary parallelization to be 
possible.  If that's too much coding, the non-optimal "serial within a 
directory" scheme (or other forms of work division) would have to be 

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