Andy Dougherty schrieb:
On Sat, 14 Jun 2008, James Keenan via RT wrote:
Can we get an update as to the issues raised in this ticket?

The general issue "installeld parrot conflicts with dev parrot" -- at least when a shared is used

is, as far as I know, unsolved. A longer discussion can be found here (and the surrounding thread):

It should be added that this does not affect cygwin and mingw.
just shared a

It is still true that
gcc ... -L/usr/local/lib ... -L.../blib/lib -lparrot -L/usr/local/lib -lgmp -lreadline would prefer a /usr/local/lib/libparrot.dll.a if there would be some, (there is even a /usr/lib/libparrot.dll.a)
but the nature of this import lib is affected by PATH,
which is so constructed that blib/lib prepends the installed libparrot.

Just the perl5 ldflags setting have to fixed in the config hints step.
-L/usr/local/lib can be stripped at all, if some parrot lib pulls that in. If not it has to be put after -lparrot.

Reini Urban

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