# New Ticket Created by  Klaas-Jan Stol 
# Please include the string:  [perl #57634]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=57634 >


in PIR you can use the .globalconst directive in a sub to define a constant
that is globally accessible.
Likewise, you can use the .const directive in a sub that is local to that

.sub foo
 .globalconst int answer = 42
 .const num PI = 3.14


answer in this case is globally accessible (in any other sub, that is parsed
AFTER the foo subroutine, I should note)
PI in this case is only accessible in this subroutine foo.

However, I question the need for .globalconst, as the .const directive can
also be used /outside/ of a subroutine, like so:

.const int answer = 42

Therefore, the .globalconst directive seems to be superfluous; why have 2
directives that do the same thing; if a .globalconst is accessible globally
anyway, there's no need to define it WITHIN a sub.

Therefore, my proposal is to remove the .globalconst directive;
whenever you need to have a global const, use .const outside of a
whenever you need to have a local const (in a sub), use .const inside a

comments welcome,

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