Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 08:32:41AM -0700, Carl Mäsak wrote:
>> r30590:
>> $ ./perl6 -e 'regex a { b }; "b" ~~ a'
>> too few arguments passed (0) - 2 params expected
>> [...]
>> I've also added tests for this in t/spec/S05-metasyntax/regex.t.
>> (S05 is not entirely clear as to whether this should actually work.
>> IMHO, there's noreason for it not to. Storing anonymous regexes in
>> scalar variables already works.)
>> $ ./perl6 -e 'my $a = regex { b }; say "b" ~~ $a'
>> b
> For now I'm going to claim that Rakudo has this one correct.  The 
> difference between the first and second examples above is that in 
> the scalar variable example, the $a variable passed to infix:<~~>
> contains the regex sub itself, whereas in the first example the
> a regex is being invoked as a 0-argument listop prior to calling
> the smart match.

I'm not quite sure. To quote S03:

"The first section contains privileged syntax; if a match can be done
via one of those entries, it will be. These special syntaxes are
dispatched by their form rather than their type."
    $_        X         Type of Match Implied   Match if (given $_)
    ======    =====     =====================   ===================
    Any       Code:($)  item sub truth          X($_)

So what does the "Code" mean? A code object? or the name of a sub?

Since it says that the first dispatch is based on the form, I could
imagine that ~~ has some kind of macro semantics, actually.

CC'ing p6l in the hope of some clarification.


Moritz Lenz |

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