From: Allison Randal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
   Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 01:15:18 +0200

Thank you for responding so promptly; I doubt I will be able to "return
fire" on your schedule.

   Bob Rogers wrote:
   >    As a case in point, consider keyword (named) parameters in Lisp.
   > Kea-CL does not use Parrot named parameters to implement "&key"
   > . . .

   Well, my main question from that is what it is about Parrot named 
   parameters that don't work for Kea-CL. (It may be something we can fix.)

I will answer this now, since you ask, and because I had written it up
for the previous post and then decided that it was too much detail.
Please see below.

   But, what I expect from Kea-CL with a unique parameter-passing style is 
   that your libraries clearly document how to call the subroutines. That's 
   all. If people find libraries written in your language too obtuse to 
   bother with, then they simply won't use them.

Yes.  If I do nothing else, then this corresponds to "option c" below,
which meets my criteria for "too obtuse."

   There are an awful lot of "must"s in the draft, where there should be 
   only free will.

Guilty as charged.  My intent is usually "must do X in order to
maximimize interoperability", but that is not clear.  "Should" is much

   And the rest will have to wait until I have more time.

                                        -- Bob

To explain why I think it is inevitable that language implementors will
have to shoulder at least some of the burden, let me describe an
interoperability problem that affects Kea-CL (and ANSI-compliant Common
Lisp implementations in general).

   The ANSI spec says two things about keyword parameters [1] that
constrain how they can be implemented in Parrot:

   1.  Keyword parameters are typically named by symbols in the KEYWORD
package, but are permitted to be named by any object; such objects are
tested for identity when binding keyword parameters.  Therefore, the
symbols ":foo" and "frobboz::foo" are distinct as keyword parameter
names, even though they might stringify the same [2].

   2.  At the point of call, there is no distinction between different
kinds of parameters.  For example, in the call

        (test-function foo "bar" :start1 17)

the last two arguments could supply values to a single keyword parameter
named :start1, or to the third and fourth positional parameters.  Or the
whole thing could be a single &rest (slurpy) parameter; the compiler is
not allowed to guess here [3].

   Because Parrot named parameters are handled as a separate class of
parameter, and are always named by strings, that presents a severe
problem.  An implementation can choose to:

   a.  Punt on ANSI compliance, mapping Lisp keywords onto Parrot named
parameters.  I don't think this possible, since there's no way to tell
at the point of call.

   b.  Adopt a hybrid approach and declare keyword parameters as Parrot
named parameters, adding some extra processing logic to handle
conversion; i.e. all functions support both protocols.  If the named
parameters are filled by a non-Lisp call, add them to any &rest list; if
an &rest list has keyword values that are not yet supplied, stuff the
values in the named parameters.  This ought to work (I haven't tried
it), but entails a certain amount of extra overhead, even for the
Lisp-to-Lisp case.

   c.  Use the straightforward Lispy implementation (i.e. by ignoring
Parrot named parameters altogether) and insist that the caller supply
&key arguments using Lisp symbols as positional parameters.  Any caller
would have to do the equivalent of

        (intern "FOO" (find-package "KEYWORD"))

just to look up the parameter name for ":foo".  (This is the current
unsatisfactory state of affairs).

   d.  Use the straightforward Lispy implementation (i.e. by ignoring
Parrot named parameters altogether) and plan to provide a wrapper for
each API function that has keywords for foreign calling.

   My proposal is about option d, because I think that is the best
option for Lisp, and I think it should work well for other languages,


[2]  But "stringification" is not a CL concept anyway.  Coercion to
     string is usually tied up with printing, but printing yields
     different results depending on context.

[3]  Some compilers optimize based on prior knowledge of the definition
     being called, but that is not strictly legal, and always requires a
     non-default level of optimization.

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