James E Keenan wrote:
This post is addressed to those of you who (a) have Perl 5 programming skills and (b) have been lurking on the list or on #parrot without yet dipping your toes in the water.

I have a number of projects, some of which are already in the form of RT tickets, some not, which require only Perl 5 programming skills and common sense. I would like to share the joys of cage-cleaning with others.

Wow! I was getting responses within hours, and I got a total of 6 responses in 24 hours. That's much better than the response to any previous calls for volunteers I've put out in Parrot (or any other OS project, for that matter). I started to respond individually last night, but got even more responses during the day today.

Better still, of the 6 responses I got, 5 are from people whose names I have not previously seen on the Parrot. 3 are from people who were previously unknown to me. 1 is from a person I know only from the YAPC list. And another is from a person who responded to a post I made about the joys of collective hacking on the Perl Seminar NY list two years ago! And, based on email addresses, at least two are from countries whose country identifiers I have not previously seen on our list!

In fact, we're in the unusual position of being oversubscribed: more volunteers than we (or, at least, I have) at the moment. So what I'm going to do is this:

1. I will encourage all of you who wrote me to get Bitcard accounts (http://tinyurl.com/5eqcw8) so that you're eligible to post patches through our RT interface (http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Public). One of the 6 already has an RT account; the others of you should get one.

2. I will file an RT for some cleanup work on the configuration steps tests and direct one person who specifically volunteered for that to that RT. (Of course, once an RT is filed, anyone can take a crack at it.)

3. I will file a separate RT for another project. This second RT will actually be a way to track progress on more than a dozen RTs focusing on smartlinks. I will encourage the other people who wrote me over the past night and day to work on those.

4. Any other Perl 5 projects connected to Parrot we can have people work on? Please let me know.

Thank you very much.


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