On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 18:09 -0500, Patrick R. Michaud wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 25, 2008 at 12:10:35AM +0200, Reini Urban wrote:
> > 2008/9/24 Patrick R. Michaud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > > So, in order to get the behavior you're describing from the interactive
> > > prompt, we'll probably need more than just Perl 6's 'eval'.  In
> > > particular, the interactive prompt mode will need to be able to
> > > maintain it's own dynamic lexical pad (i.e., a DynLexPad) and have
> > > some way of extracting any lexical changes from whatever code string
> > > it evaluates.
> > 
> > I wouldn't call them DynLexPad or lexicals at all, I would call them
> > just globals.  lexvars could shadow them though, but this a user 
> > problem then.
> This approach might expose some rough edges, though -- things like
> MY::, OUTER::, *::, etc. might not work as expected, or those 
> constructs would have to know when they're dealing with "interactive 
> mode pseudo-lexical-globals" instead of what the rest of the
> system is using.
> Still, we might consider something along these lines -- perhaps
> as a stopgap approach if nothing else.

Don't we have to solve all this to get the Perl 6 debugger working
anyway?  (Aside from which, it would be useful to have this capability
properly exposed, for writing shell-style UIs that can escape to raw


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