Ovid wrote:
> --- On Mon, 20/10/08, Moritz Lenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Also, the way that t/00-parrot/06-op-inplace.t is
>> written forces the test numbers to be out of sequence.  This
>> causes "make test" to fail, even though it's
>> merely a parse error.  The Test.pm module appears to work
>> (I've only checked it superficially), so why not use
>> that to make some of these tests a bit easier to write?  Are
>> we trying to avoid loading modules while testing core
>> features?
>> The 01-sanity/ tests predate module loading.
>> The "real" testing is to run 'make
>> spectest', which loads a bunch of
>> tests from the pugs repository, prepares and run them.
>> If you want to run those individually, you can simply say
>> $ make t/spec/S02-literals/radix.t
> Fair enough.  From playing around with this, it appears that all Perl 6 tests 
> can be run with:
>   perl t/harness --verbosity 1 --fudge --keep-exit-code $testname
> Is it an accident that this works for regular test files?  

No. But be aware that the --fudge option (which is needed for some files
below t/spec/) calls the t/spec/fudge script, which doesn't exist on a
clean checkout, but is fetched from the pugs repo on the first 'make

> If not, I can integrate this into vim easily and since module loading works, 
> t/00-parrot/06-op-inplace.t can be updated with "use Test;" to at least 
> ensure that "make perl6" passes and people don't get confused when trying to 
> build.  I'd be happy to update that test and send a patch.

That's Patrick's decision I think; I don't mind either way, but then I
don't use t/00-parrot/ at all.


Moritz Lenz
http://perlgeek.de/ |  http://perl-6.de/ | http://sudokugarden.de/

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