--- On Tue, 21/10/08, James Keenan via RT <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> \> This basic test suite will fail.  That's
> because of this test program:
> > 
> >   t/00-parrot/06-op-inplace.t
> > 
> I've reported this a couple of times in
> http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=59634 -- but
> no one paid
> attention.
> Since you're proposing a patch, I'll merge 59634
> into this one.

Thanks.  Hopefully this time there will be some traction because there does 
appear to be a bug in Perl 6, as evidenced by this one-liner:

  perl6 $ ../../parrot perl6.pbc -e 'my $x = 3; $x **= 2; say $x'

Unless, of course, this isn't supposed to be implemented yet, but that seems 
strange since it's in the basic tests.

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