On Mon, 20 Oct 2008, Andrew Whitworth via RT wrote:

> On Fri Mar 31 13:29:46 2006, leo wrote:
> > I've tried:
> > 
> > $ perl Configure.pl --cc=gcc --link=gcc --ld=gcc --cxx=gcc 
> > --verbose-step=gcc
> > 
> > and got:
> > 
> > Determining if your C compiler is actually gcc...gcc 
> > -I./include -c test.c
> > gcc: language arch=v8 not recognized
> > 
> >  From perl -V:
> >    Compiler:
> >      cc='cc', ccflags ='-D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 
> > -xarch=v8 -D_TS_ERRNO',
> >      optimize='-xO3 -xspace -xildoff',
> > 
> > That is, our config system is still using perl5 config vars blindly w/o 
> > further inspection and ignores commandline option at least partially.

> This ticket is over two years old and the problem described appears to
> be, at least in part, dependent on the faulty config system of years
> gone by.

The ticket may be old, but we still have the same faulty config system.

>        Do we have any Solaris users who can double-check this and see
> if we still have a problem here? 

Yes, we still have exactly the same problem. Anyone can check this by 
editing their perl Config settings and seeing that they get passed through 
unquestioningly to parrot.

    Andy Dougherty              [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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