"B" effectively turns a parrot STRING into a char**, passing a point to
the character array to the function.  This is bad because c functions
shouldn't be modifying parrot STRINGs. B should really only be used as a
IN parameter, not as a OUT or a IN/OUT parameter.

I don't think that NCI really supports OUT parameters except by using
UnManagedStruct PMCS.

I would advocate changing the B to a V and passing in a UnManagedStruct
PMC in that position.  You can then call get_string_keyed on the
UnManagedStruct PMC to retrieve the pcre error message as a parrot STRING.

-    dlfunc pcre_function, libpcre, 'pcre_compile', 'ptiB3P'
+    dlfunc pcre_function, libpcre, 'pcre_compile', 'ptiV3P'

I've got a proposed patch to add some safety to "B" signatures that I
will attach.

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