Larry Wall wrote:
It seems simpler to say that one() produces bags rather than sets.

If we don't make other modifications to the language then this would mean that a Junction is defined over a union type, "Set|Bag with additional behaviors", depending on what operator constructed it.

Now maybe that's fine.

Or alternately, why not just redefine a Junction for consistency to say it is a "Bag with additional behaviors" rather than a "Set with additional behaviors"? Would doing this break anything? Do any intended uses of a Junction specifically versus a plain Set|Bag involve asking how many instances of a value there are, or asking how many distinct values or value instances are in the Junction? Aside from the 3 answers: exactly none, exactly one, one or more?

What I was originally going to suggest but Tsa suggested first: Keep the definition of a Junction as "Set with additional behaviors" but the one() constructor just excludes values that appear multiple times in its argument list. In other words, one() *is* the same as any() except for the added filter.

-- Darren Duncan

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