James Keenan via RT wrote:
On Tue Nov 18 10:22:25 2008, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

This will probably be quite challenging.  Let's assume that all tests
are found in files with names ending in '.t'.  Those .t files can be
written in any language, which probably have different ways of
classifying a test as TODO.

My count tonight is that 1384 .t files in the distribution.  Of these
524 are *not* found under ./languages/.

I wonder if we could formulate the specification in this ticket a bit
more precisely before someone embarks on coding.

Yes, absolutely. I just added the basic ticket on the spur of the moment, to make sure I didn't forget about it.

I've been thinking about this. A few things come to mind, for instance detecting the language based on the hashbang (if any) or subdirectory it's in, and invoking a language-specific parser. And detecting the cases we can't handle, and skipping those.

But to me that sounds like way too much work. It doesn't really matter to me whether the ticket number occurs within the TODO output string, a nearby comment is good enough for me. So how about skipping all the above nonsense and just ignoring the test language entirely? How about a simple regex-based test that tallies all instances of /TODO/ in the set of test files, skipping the lines that start with obvious comment characters, and for each instance, looks for a match of /#\d+/? It can even expand the search to also look a couple lines above and below the TODO line, for additional flexibility. I think that should be reasonable for most, if not all, possible test languages.

Do you think that would catch all the cases? It's a heck of a lot more feasable, it would work in every example I can think of (except maybe Befunge), and it seems flexible enough to deal with languages we haven't thought up yet. So I guess I'm seriously proposing this.

Looking forward to your opinion,


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