On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 11:11:30AM -0800, Geoffrey Broadwell wrote:
> On Fri, 2008-12-05 at 09:10 -0600, Andy Lester wrote:
> > On Dec 5, 2008, at 4:13 AM, Simon Cozens wrote:
> > 
> > > I just ran this code, which worked with the expected results:
> > 
> > 
> > Beautiful.  Posted to Perlbuzz.
> > 
> > http://perlbuzz.com/2008/12/database-access-in-perl-6-is-coming-along-nicely.html
> Someone needs to reply to the comments from readers who have confused
> DBI and DBDI, and have thus decided we are turning Perl into Java.

I've just posted this as a comment...

Re "I think thats because DBI 2.0 uses JDBC as its API" - that's not
quite right in two ways.

"DBI 2.0" doesn't exist anywhere other than in my head and, so far, I've
been unsuccessful in making time to actually work on it.

"JDBC as its API" is a little misleading - DBI 2.0 uses JDBC as the
*driver* API, i.e., the interface between the DBI and the underlying
driver (DBD), not the interface between applications and the DBI.

That's why Simon's example looks like Java JDBC, and that's a very good
thing. It means that he doesn't need me, or anyone else, to agree on the
API or semantics. They're all specified in great detail in the JDBC docs
and the JDBC test suite.

Anyone wanting to follow Simon's example can work to the same well
defined standard API.

There are two main areas of concern though:

1. There may be subtle issues in how data types and calling conventions
translate between Java and Parrot/Perl6.

2. JDBC is a big API, effort should be made to factor out as much code as
possible into modules that can be shrface between applications and the DBI.

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] (note the 'i' in dbdi) mailing list is a good
place to discuss these and related issues.
Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to subscribe.


There's an archive at http://www.mail-archive.com/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/index.html
which shows almost no activity since Feb 2004.

It would be great to get some life into it.


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