On Sat, 13 Dec 2008, Dan Stephenson wrote:

Wouldn't HTML::Mason ( or something like it ) be a better approach to solving 
this problem
in Perl6?  I'm a huge Mason fan and feel it answers the use cases being stated 
here aptly.
 Something like this could be included in this "diamond" Perl6 distro...

        I'm a big HTML::Mason fan too, but there are still questions:
-       If HTML::Mason is so great, why are there other templating toolkits?
-       HTML::Mason may be great for HTML, but what about for eg. templating
        config files?

My thought is that it would be wonderful if there were a single central, highly-configurable templating module that would be usable in all contexts, and if the other templating systems were all built around this module, then, rather than having 4 or 5 teams duplicating each others' work, they could all work together on producing one really great module.

Then something like HTML::Mason could be built around the really great core templating module. Template::Toolkit ccould also be built around it. Text::Template would no longer be necessary, because all of its functionality would be supported by the great templating module.

This way, though, if the Template::Toolkit people wanted more speed, and implemented caching for the central templating module, then the HTML::Mason people would be able to draw on this too, and vice versa.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

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