Like I said: if the goto approach works for you, more power to you.  Me, I find:

   loop {
       @stuff = grep { $_->valid } @stuff;
       TEST: last unless @stuff;

       $_->do_something( ++$i ) for @stuff;

to be at least as straightforward as:

   goto INVARIANT;

   while ( @stuff ) {
       $_->do_something( ++$i ) for @stuff;

       @stuff = grep { $_->valid } @stuff;

It strikes me as being more concise; and the use of the (superfluous)
label makes the position and significance of the "last unless..." line
stand out.

I'm not telling you that you're wrong; TIMTOWTDI.  I'm telling you
that it's a matter of taste.

On Fri, Dec 19, 2008 at 5:52 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis <> wrote:
> * Jon Lang <> [2008-12-19 03:50]:
>> Personally, it doesn't strike me as being as straightforward
>> as putting a "last unless" clause into the middle of an
>> otherwise-infinite loop
> You have to keep more state in your head to read
>    while(1) {
>        # ...
>        last if $foo;
>    }
> than to read
>    while($foo) {
>        # ...
>    }
> The goto in the code I gave happens just once and doesn't modify
> the loop semantics. Basically, any one point in the code I gave
> can be read in isolation, and is "locally complete" (I don't know
> how to say this better), whereas in the infinite loop the overall
> effect of certain points is depenent on other points.
> In Schwern's terms, goto'ing into the middle of a terminating
> loop is more skimmable than last'ing out of the middle of an
> infinite loop.
> Regards,
> --
> Aristotle Pagaltzis // <>

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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