# New Ticket Created by  Ilya Belikin 
# Please include the string:  [perl #61642]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=61642 >

I am trying  force November works on r34320, and look like found rakudobug:

> say { foo => 1}.perl;
{("foo" => 1)} # looks strange, I think it should be just {"foo" => 1}.

and after, that produce problem when we try to eval this str:

> sub foo { eval '{ "her" => 1, "foo" => 5, "bar" => 5, "baz" => 2 }' }; my $a 
> = foo(); say $a.perl;
{("baz" => 2), ("her" => 1), ("foo" => 5), ("bar" => 5)}

> sub foo { eval '{ ("her" => 1), ("foo" => 5), ("bar" => 5), ("baz" => 2) }' 
> }; my $a = foo(); say $a.perl;
[("her" => 1), ("foo" => 5), ("bar" => 5), ("baz" => 2)] # ouch!

> sub foo { eval '{ ("her" => 1), ("foo" => 5), ("bar" => 5), ("baz" => 2) }' 
> }; my %a = foo(); say %a.perl;
{("baz" => 2), ("her" => 1), ("foo" => 5), ("bar" => 5)}


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