chromatic wrote:

Within the cmp op bodies, we *know* the arity and most of the types of MMD-
participant arguments at compile time. We can get the types of PMC participants within the body of the op itself. Thus we could avoid most of the argument marshalling and counting and analysis if we had a way to perform cached MMD lookup without constructing a CallSignature PMC. That would clear up a third of the work.

This we should open up to general discussion. The consequence of short-cutting like this is that individual PMCs will no longer be able to override 'cmp' to do something other than multi-dispatch. At the moment, developers still have the option of providing their own quick comparison, which gives an even more extreme speedup than this shortcut.

So, question for language developers and other PMC developers, how important is the ability to define a 'cmp' vtable function that's called when the 'cmp' opcode is invoked? Or, is defining a 'cmp' multi for your PMC type enough?

Another area for optimization is invoking a Sub from a signature PMC; I believe we're throwing away and recalculating valuable information, though we may have to wait for dramatic improvements until we can unify contexts and CallSignature.

Providing a new way of invoking Subs that uses CallSignatures all the way down is already planned in the coming series of calling conventions refactors.

The final opportunity for optimization is making the PMC multis defined in PMCs use PCC instead of C calling conventions. Corresponding multis written in PIR already use PCC, and we want to support that, so we should unify our approach. That would remove the NCI expense here, though that's probably minor in comparison to the CallSignature PMC expense.

Changing all NCI calls to something more like PCC calls is already planned in the coming series of calling conventions refactors. Changing the Pmc2c generator to build PCC subs instead of NCI Subs is a quick change that could happen now.

The calling conventions refactors are non-critical (some will likely land after 1.0), because the interface will stay the same, it's only the internals that will change.


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