# New Ticket Created by  Matthew Walton 
# Please include the string:  [perl #62200]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=62200 >

Put this code through Rakudo:

use v6;

role TestRole {
        method foo() { ... }

class TestClass does TestRole {
        method foo() { say "render"; }

my TestClass $t .= new();

Rakudo complains that the role composition causes a method conflict
because of 'foo', but TestClass::foo should be overriding TestRole::foo.
jnthn speculates on IRC that it's a result of some refactoring in rvar,
where some code got removed and not put back.

19:57  * jnthn suspects that (a) some code was pulled out in rvar and
not re-instanted and (b) we didn't have a test for this so it went
19:57 <@jnthn> rvar removed a bunch of stuff to make refactoring easier
and then added it back in.
19:57 <@jnthn> I think I know exactly what we've lost.

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