On Mon, 2009-01-12 at 07:01 -0800, Ovid wrote:
> ----- Original Message ----
> > > > I could optionally make the following work:
> > > >
> > > >  $string.trim(:leading<0>);
> > > >  $string.trim(:trailing<0>);
> Alternatively, those could be ltrim() and rtrim().  If you need to 
> dynamically determine what you're going to trim, you'd couldn't just set 
> variables to do it, though. You'd have to figure out which methods to call.  
> Or all could be allowed and $string.trim(:leading<0>) could all $string.rtrim 
> internally.

When I saw your proposed syntax above, instead of reading "don't trim
leading/trailing whitespace", I read "change the definition of
'whitespace' to 'codepoint 0' for leading/trailing".

That of course raises the question of how one *would* properly override
trim's concept of whitespace ....


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