# New Ticket Created by  "Carl Mäsak" 
# Please include the string:  [perl #63232]
# in the subject line of all future correspondence about this issue. 
# <URL: http://rt.perl.org/rt3/Ticket/Display.html?id=63232 >

<masak> rakudo: for "a".."c" Z ("?", "a".."b") -> $x1, $x2 { say $x1, $x2 }
<p6eval> rakudo a0a390: OUTPUT«a?␤ba␤StopIteration [...]
<masak> jnthn: does this look right to you?
<TimToady> pugs: for "a".."c" Z ("?", "a".."b") -> $x1, $x2 { say $x1, $x2 }
<p6eval> pugs: OUTPUT«a?ba␤cb␤»
* masak submits rakudobug
<TimToady> looks right to me
<masak> good enough for me :)
<TimToady> shouldn't need the parens, either
<masak> right. just making sure.
<TimToady> pugs: for "a".."c" Z "?", "a".."b" -> $x1, $x2 { say $x1, $x2 }
<p6eval> pugs: OUTPUT«a?ba␤cb␤»
<jnthn> rakudo: say "a".."c" Z "?", "a".."b";
<p6eval> rakudo a0a390: OUTPUT«a?bab␤»

>From the last example, we see that there's a 'c' missing from the
result of the Z.

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