TSa wrote:
> HaloO,
> Daniel Ruoso wrote:
>> Em Ter, 2009-02-17 às 09:19 -0300, Daniel Ruoso escreveu:
>>> multi infix:<+> (int where { 2 } $i, int where { 2 } $j) {...}
>> As masak++ and moritz++ pointed out, this should be written
>> multi infix:<+> (int $i where 2, int $j where 2) {...}
> Hmm, both these forms strike me as odd because the where clause
> should return a boolean and thus has to be written 'where { $_ == 2}'.

A where clause without a block does a smartmatch, so $i where 2 is the
same as $i where { $i ~~ 2 }.

Moritz Lenz
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