
Daniel Ruoso wrote:
Em Sex, 2009-02-20 às 11:19 +1100, Timothy S. Nelson escreveu:
        if(! defined($footree.root)) { warn "Unrooted tree"; }

There are some other very interesting possibilities:

  unless ($footree.can(root)) { warn "Unrooted tree"; }

or even better

  unless ($footree ~~ RootedTree) { warn "Unrooted tree"; }

or yet even better

  my RootedTree $footree = something()

and it fails automatically...

*That's* what Roles are for...

I strongly support that position! A rooted tree to me also implies
the presence of parent nodes/trees. That is a RootedTree has two
related methods .root and .parent in addition to the methods that Tree
has. So we should even have 'RootedTree does Tree' so that algorithms
that work with the Tree interface can work with a RootedTree doer. The
approach with a .root attribute in the Tree role spoils that clean
subtyping approach and forces users into definedness checks all over
the place.

A user that wants to convert the cleanly subtyped roles into the
undefness can implement

    multi method root (Tree $self: ) { return undef; }
    multi method parent (Tree $self: ) { return undef; }

in a class that composes the Tree role and go with definedness
checks. But I seriously doubt the usefulness of this approach.

I'm unsure if the method dispatcher still falls back to subs,
but if it does one could make these methods to global subs and
be done without a class. The presence of these subs is no problem
for code that uses the clean role interface of Tree because it
doesn't call them anyway.

There is however one inconvenience with the subtype approach.
A method .nodes of a RootedTree has to return the parent node
as well to be compatible with the Tree semantics. That is if
you want to traverse a RootedTree you have to explicitly skip
the parent. But this can be easily remedied with a method with
a different name. E.g. we could introduce .nodes in RootedTree
and have a .trees method in Tree. From this we see that these
two roles should be designed together.

Regards, TSa.

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