On Mon, 23 Feb 2009, jason switzer wrote:

On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 9:47 PM, <pugs-comm...@feather.perl6.nl> wrote:

Added: docs/Perl6/Spec/S28-special-variables.pod
+=head2 Named variables (see S02):
+    $?OS           # operating system compiled for
+    $*OS           # operating system running under
+    $?OSVER        # operating system version compiled for
+    $*OSVER        # operating system version running under

How are you possibly going to get this in a remotely portable basis? How
could an implementation handle the case of compiling a perl6 script down to
native binary? Would the native binary always report the same OS and OSVER
no matter where it executes after turned into a binary?

First thing, I'm just collecting these from other places, so I may not be the one to answer some of your questions. I don't understand all these bits myself.

Second, please note that $?OS and $*OS are two completely separate variables. $?OS will always be the same, $*OS may be different, depending on where it's run.

        Third, this is still very much a work in progress.

+    $?PACKAGE      # current package (as object)
+    @?PACKAGE      # current packages
+    $?PACKAGENAME  # name of current package (see S10)

$?PACKAGENAME seems kind of redundant when I could similarly do a
$?PACKAGE.perl to get a coderef back as well. In fact, all of the variables
that are named version of the coderef version should probably be removed in
the favor of something like ~$?FOO or ~$*FOO.

There seems to be a lot of this sort of redundancy here. Larry said on IRC:

"There are several competing design notions here. We'd like to minimize globals that have to be set up in advance, but we'd also like to huffmanize common vars like $*PID ".

+    $*PROGRAM_NAME # name of the program being executed

How does this differ from $*EXECUTABLE_NAME?

        Good question.  Anyone?

+    $?PUGS_VERSION # Pugs version (not canonical)
+    $*PUGS_HAS_HSPLUGINS # True if Pugs was compiled with support for
+                         # (not canonical)

How do these apply to anything other than a single specific implementation?
What motivation would Rakudo or elf have for defining these?

        I've removed them in my local copy; will go into the next svn commit.

+    &?ROUTINE      # current sub or method (itself, see S06)
+    @?ROUTINE      # current subs or methods (themselves)

I'm sure this is a typo for $?ROUTINE. Besides, I think $?SUB makes more

        Well, Larry says this in S02:

    &?ROUTINE   Which routine am I in?
    @?ROUTINE   Which nested routines am I in?
    &?BLOCK     Which block am I in?
    @?BLOCK     Which nested blocks am I in?

I'd argue that if he's written '&' twice there, there's a reason for it. As for SUB, complain to Larry.

+ $*OSNAME               ...or some such
+         $^O $OSNAME

Doesn't correlate with the list above.

That doesn't surprise me in the least. Most of the stuff is taken from about 4 different sources (ie. two other peoples' previous attempts at S28, from an e-mail of Larry's, and from the other Specs).

+ $* and $# have been deprecated half of forever and are gone.  $[
+ is a fossil that I suppose could turn into an evil pragma, if we
+ try to translate it at all.  (Frees up * twigil for $*FOO syntax.)

I'm not even sure this makes sense to me. Is this saying that $* and $# are
largely not in use anymore (in perl6)?

Read the section on "twigils" in S02. Hopefully things will make more sense after that. It says that $* is no longer a separate variable, but is used for $*OSNAME, $*VM, and the like.


| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

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