Doug McNutt wrote:
> Thinking about what I actually do. . .
> A near equal test of a float ought to be a fractional error based on the
> current value of the float.
> $x  tested for between $a*(1.0 + $errorfraction) and $a*(1.0 -
> $errorfraction)
> If you're dealing with propagation of errors during processing of data the
> fractional error is usually the one that's important. Finances might be
> different  but floating dollars have their own set of problems relating to
> representation of decimal fractions.

Half-baked idea here: could we somehow use some dwimmery akin to
Whatever magic to provide some meaning to a postfix:<%> operator?
Something so that you could say:

  $x within 5%

And it would translate it to:

  $x within 0.05 * $x


Something along the lines of:

1. infix:<within> sets Whatever to its lhs while evaluating its rhs
2. postfix:<%> returns the requested percentage of Whatever; if
Whatever is undefined, return the requested percentage of 1.

Jonathan "Dataweaver" Lang

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