Hi. I wrote a variable finding program. The output is below for those interested (yes, it relies on ack), but the questions the output raises are:
-       Does the $?TABSTOP have a special meaning, or is it just an example
        like $?FOO is in so many places?
-       Should those @?ROUTINE, etc, variables be removed from S02 like they
        were from S28?
-       Is $?NF a special Unicode variable?

Maybe also the questions that I put in the "Not yet defined" section are appropriate here too:
-       We seem to have $*INC in the table at the top, @*INC in S19 and the
        table immediately above, %*INC also in the table above.  Are all 3
correct? - The $?LANG and $*LANG variables are also confusing (both in S02,
        with completely different meanings).

        Thanks.  Output follows.

Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2105: constant $?TABSTOP = 4; # assume heredoc tabs mean 4 spaces
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2129:    @?ROUTINE   Which nested routines am I in?
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2131:    @?BLOCK     Which nested blocks am I in?
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2133: @?LABEL Which nested block labels am I in?
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2147:    @?PACKAGE   Which nested packages am I in?
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2149:    @?MODULE    Which nested modules am I in?
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2151:    @?CLASS     Which nested classes am I in?
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2153:    @?ROLE      Which nested roles am I in?
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:2155:    @?GRAMMAR   Which nested grammars am I in?
Perl6/Spec/S02-bits.pod:3255:to be C<< ($?TABSTOP // 8) >> spaces, but as long as tabs and spaces are used consistently Perl6/Spec/S05-regex.pod:711: $<OPEN> = '(' <SETGOAL: ')'> <expression> [ $GOAL || <FAILGOAL> ] Perl6/Spec/S32-setting-library/Str.pod:219: our Int multi method codes ( Str $string: $nf = $?NF) is export

| Name: Tim Nelson                 | Because the Creator is,        |
| E-mail: wayl...@wayland.id.au    | I am                           |

Version 3.12
GCS d+++ s+: a- C++$ U+++$ P+++$ L+++ E- W+ N+ w--- V- PE(+) Y+>++ PGP->+++ R(+) !tv b++ DI++++ D G+ e++>++++ h! y-

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