On Sun Mar 15 15:27:41 2009, moritz wrote:
> S12-objects.pod
> 1581:    WHAT        the protoobject of the type, stringifies to short
> name ~ '()'
> Currently it stringfies to short name without trailing ().
> If somebody submits a patch for it, I'll fix the test suite (which has
> this wrong in many places, I fear; used to be different).
I'm happy to put one in after the next release. However, since this
affects compiler toolkit level stuff too (at least in the obvious way
that we'd do it), do we need a deprecation notice/cycle in Parrot for
this? Ideally people won't have been relying on .WHAT to do string
comparisons to check what things are since it's a Really Bad Idea, so
IMO we don't...


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