On Sun Mar 22 10:11:06 2009, cspencer wrote:
> The following patch adds Perl 6 versions of the p5chomp and p5chop
> to Any-str.pm

Applying this patch causes me to get failures in t/spec/S05-mass/rx.t .
 I'm not exactly sure _why_ I'm getting the failures yet, but perhaps
others can try it out and let me know if they get similar results.

I should also note that I suspect there's a problem with the p5chomp
method -- it currently removes one character from the end of the string
if it matches /\n$/, but in Perl 6 regexes it's possible for \n to match
_two_ characters (e.g., a CR+LF sequence).

Also, we should double-check that negative offsets to substr() work as
expected here -- S32 doesn't mention anything about them.



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