
I've gathered that Rakudo now implements sockets, and I wanted to do
some basic data shuffling for testing purposes. Could anybody point me
to a really simple, working example?

I tried to cargo-cult it from Web.pm

use v6;
my $l = IO::Socket::INET.socket(2, 1, 6).bind('', 1234);
my $s = $l.accept();

That dies on the last line, with

Null PMC access in isa()
current instr.: '!CALLMETHOD' pc 18912 (src/builtins/guts.pir:80)
called from Sub 'infix:=' pc 15762 (src/builtins/assign.pir:37)
called from Sub '_block14' pc 156 (EVAL_18:64)

Should it work?


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