On Wed Sep 17 08:35:08 2008, pmichaud wrote:
> Actually, I suspect the problem may be that 'max' is already a
> builtin function in Perl, and that the conflict comes because
> the builtins (written in PIR) are still using Parrot's MultiSub
> while the ones written in Perl 6 are using the new Perl6MultiSub
> implementation.  If I change the function name in max3.p6 to
> be something other than 'max', it appears to work:
>     $ cat max3.p6
>     multi sub max3($a, $b) {
>             if defined $a && defined $b {
>                     if $a >= $b { return $a } else { return $b }
>             }
>             elsif defined $a { return $a }
>             elsif defined $b { return $b }
>             else { return undef }
>     }
>     multi sub max3($a, $b, $c) {
>             return max3(max3($a, $b), $c);
>     }
>     say "6 <" ~ max3(9,2,1) ~ ">";
>     $ ./parrot perl6.pbc max3.p6
>     6 <9>
>     $
> So, this problem should be "fixed" when we get the builtins to be
> written in Perl 6 (or at least using Perl6MultiSubs).
max is now moved to the setting, and the problem is indeed cleared up.
Resolving ticket.



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