On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 05:50:57PM -0500, John M. Dlugosz wrote:
> Copy and paste it from the message into a word processor or other  
> program that lets you choose a font where it is not missing and make it  
> very large so you can see the details.
> Or see <http://www.marco.org/83873337> for a large graphic in several fonts.

Or feed it as an argument to this program, whereupon it will tell you
directly which character it is.


#!/usr/bin/perl -C

binmode STDOUT, ":utf8";
$pat = "@ARGV";
if (ord $pat > 256) {
    $pat = sprintf("%04x", ord $pat);
    print "That's $pat...\n";
    $pat = '\b' . $pat . '\b';
elsif (ord $pat > 128) {        # arg in sneaky UTF-8
    $pat = sprintf("%04x", unpack("U0U",$pat));
    print "That's $pat...\n";
    $pat = '\b' . $pat . '\b';

@names = split /^/, do 'unicore/Name.pl';
for my $line (@names) {
    $hex = hex($line);
    $_ = chr($hex)."\t".$line;
    if (/$pat/io) {
        print ' ' if /COMBINING/;

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